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Welcome to iDockworks Tampa

This site provides customers with the ability to track cargo, review vessel schedules, request automatic e-mail notifications and many more functions. In addition, truck lines and shippers may also check cargo pickup availability using the BL Status option.

For username and password assistance, please contact:

Brian Lawhon
Tel: 813.242.1912
Email: brian.lawhon@portsamerica.com

Tim Bowman
Operations Coordinator
Tel: 813.242.1907
Email: tim.bowman@portsamerica.com

Rosidanis Sanchez
Operations Coordinator
Tel: 813.242.1942
Email: rosie.sanchez@portsamerica.com

Ports America looks forward to servicing your business needs and is committed to customer satisfaction and safety.

Terminal Address                                       
2780 Guy N. Verger Boulevard                                        
Tampa, FL 33605                                                   
Tel: 813.242.1900                                        
Fax: 813.242.1901

Email Releases to  tampa_cargorelease@portsamerica.com

For other questions or inquiries, please contact: 

Travis Rhodes
Commercial Operations Manager
Tel: 813.242.1904
Email: travis.rhodes@portsamerica.com

John Moore
Terminal Manager
Tel: 813.242.1947
Email: john.moore@portsamerica.com


For assistance with making an online appointment, please go to www.portsamericatampa.com, click on 'Quick Links', and select the option as seen below:

There is also a detailed video tutorial available in the link below:

(link coming soon)

Terminal Rules

Appointments must be made no later than 3:30PM for the following day. This applies to appointments that are rolled as well. Same day appointments are not allowed. Truck drivers showing up without an appointment will be turned away.

The General Cargo Terminal operating hours are from 08:00AM to 4:00PM, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays and weekends. The terminal is closed for lunch from 11:40AM to 1:00PM.

For faster service, it is highly recommended that drivers arrive with the Quickpass and confirmation receipt that is generated from iDockworks. Ports America will not accept verbally given information. Ports America will only accept information that is printed out, or a screen shot that can be shown on a cell phone.

Ports America Tampa is a TWIC restricted facility. All truck drivers must present a valid TWIC in order to enter the terminal. Drivers without a TWIC will have to be escorted. The fee for an escort is $80 per escort, payable on site, with a credit card only. Escorts are limited, and drivers may have to wait several hours to receive service.

Missed Appointments:

Ports America hires labor daily based upon the amount of appointments that are made. Because of this, a missed appointment fee of $35 per appointment will be charged by Ports America to the company that made the appointment.

The fee will be charged per unused Quickpass. As an example, a trucking company that schedules an appointment for 5 trucks, and none of the trucks show up, will be charged $35 for the unused Quickpass, not per truck.

As another example, if 5 trucks are scheduled under one Quickpass, and at least some of the trucks show up, but not all, Ports America will consider this as "effort made" and will not charge the missed appointment fee.

Ports America understands that sometimes things come up that are beyond the control of the truck driver. If you know that a truck is going to miss their appointment, give us a call before 3:30PM to let us know. Ports America will not charge the missed appointment fee if we are given advanced notice that a truck is not going to make it.

If you know a driver is not going to make their appointment, it is recommended that the appointment is rolled to the next day. A rolled appointment must be made by 3:30PM. Be aware that a rolled appointment will have the same Quickpass number. If you create a new appointment with a new Quickpass, you will be charged the missed appointment fee for the Quickpass that was not used.

Damages, Shortages, and other considerations:

No claim for damage or shortage will be allowed unless reported to the terminal before delivery, and claim made within 5 days after delivery of the goods. It is highly recommended that the truck driver inspect and check that the cargo that is loaded is correct, and in good order before they leave the terminal.

When making appointments in iDockworks, please take care to enter the right order number for the cargo that you are scheduling to pick up. Ports America will not be held responsible for any costs related to misloaded cargo resulting from an error in data entry. All freight, labor, fuel, and other costs will be the responsibility of the company that made the appointment.

If cargo comes back to the terminal and has to be re-handled, a truck unloading charge will be levied against the receiver. A truck loading charge will be levied against the receiver for loading of the correct cargo. If the re-handle is due to a Ports America error, there will be no charge held against the receiver.